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HomeThe Lookout February 2025

February 2025

Illinois Paralegal Association's First Leadership Conference

The IPA is thrilled to announce our first Leadership Conference! Designed for paralegals eager to advance in their careers, find mentorship, and enhance their leadership skills, this full-day event will feature engaging sessions and a keynote presentation from Chere Estrin, covering the latest trends in the paralegal field.

Join us on March 14, 2025, from 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM at Nalco in Naperville or via Zoom for this hybrid conference. In-person attendees will enjoy a continental breakfast, lunch, and exclusive networking opportunities.

A special thank you to our sponsors, Proof ServeHorizon Legal Solutions, and Loyola University Chicago - School of Law - Graduate and Online Programs!

Ready to elevate your career? Register now!

IPA Merch Store

The new merch store is open! Browse a selection of apparel, office supplies, and more, designed for IPA members and supporters. Whether you're looking for something to wear, something practical for work, or just a way to show off your paralegal pride, take a look at what’s new in the store!

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2025 Annual Meeting and Elections

Would you like to serve as an IPA Board Member and shape the future of the IPA?

IPA's Annual Meeeting and Elections is held each year in April.  Serving on the IPA's Board of Directors provides real opportunities to lead, represent the interests and concerns of paralegals, and help shape our profession. The Board of Directors also works tirelessly to put together quality CLE programs, networking events, workshops, and professional development trainings.

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Annual Meeting and Elections

Open Chair Position - Real Estate

The IPA is in need of a Real Estate Section Co-chair.  If you are a real estate paralegal and would like to co-chair this section, please email IPA President Sam Misch for more information.

March 3rd Board of Directors Meeting

Click to Register

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Are you interested in doing more for your community? The Chicago Volunteer Legal Services, a non-profit organization, has several volunteer opportunities available for IPA members!
    • Intake Interview Volunteers. Intake volunteers conduct phone interviews with new clients to learn the details of their case, their circumstances, and their goals. The volunteers then prepare a written memo based on their interview, and any supporting documentation, that a CVLS attorney reviews to determine what level of service CVLS can provide. Intake volunteers get to set their available intake slots/date and times ahead of time and typically start out by doing no more than one intake interview per month. From start to finish, an intake interview and drafting the memo take between 2 and 3 hours.
    • Foreclosure Prevention Volunteers. Volunteers for this program work with CVLS’s foreclosure defense attorneys to help clients in foreclosure fill out and submit what are known as “loss mitigation” packets. These packets, generated by the banks, allow borrowers and homeowners to mitigate the potential loss of their home by modifying the terms of their loan, getting more time in their home before it is sold, or other options to lessen the impact of foreclosure on them. Volunteers work directly with clients to read the packets, gather the personal documents needed to support the packets (ie, proof of income, title documents, etc), and submit to the lender. All work is done under the supervision of CVLS attorneys and can be done during both work and non-work hours. From start to finish, a loss mitigation packet might take 1-2 hours to put together, in cooperation with a client.
    • Deposition Moderation Volunteers. From time to time, CVLS attorneys need a neutral third-party to serve as a Zoom moderator for depositions. The volunteers are ‘appointed’ by a judge to serve as moderator for one or more depositions, and then host the deposition over their Zoom account (for which CVLS will reimburse them for the cost of). The volunteers then distribute the video and audio recording to all attorneys and complete an affidavit attesting to the recording’s accuracy. These opportunities can take as little 1 hour or as many as 8 hours, depending on the length and number of depositions.
If you are interested in fulfilling any of these roles, please contact Dan Quarfoot, Staff Attorney,

The Professional Edge

One of IPA's purposes is to advance the paralegal profession. In so doing, we will be featuring articles to aid you in career development in this section of The Lookout.

Do you have any articles that you would like to share with everyone? Send an email to and we will add to our next issue of The Lookout.
Professional Edge

Important Notices and Useful Information

  • From CT Corporation | Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting

    We want to bring to your attention an important update on the Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) reporting requirement.

    On January 24, 2025, FinCEN issued additional guidance with respect to the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling to lift the nationwide injunction issued by a federal judge in Texas that enjoined enforcement of the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA). Due to the fact that a separate nationwide order issued by a different federal judge in Texas remains in place, reporting companies are not currently required to file beneficial ownership information with FinCEN. However, FinCEN has advised that reporting companies may continue to voluntarily submit beneficial ownership information reports.

    For the latest updates on the CTA requirement, please visit CT's BOI solution page.
Do you have any other updates to share with everyone? Send an email to and we will add to our next issue of The Lookout.
Important Updates and Useful Information

Non-IPA CLE Opportunities

CLE opportunities listed are provided for informational purposes only.  Contact the provider to determine if the seminar is suited to your skill level and for its applicability.
Sustaining and Educational Institution members of IPA can list their upcoming CLE opportunities in The Lookout by emailing the information to

NALA Conference & Expo

Register for the 2025 NALA Conference & Expo in Atlantic City, New Jersey, from July 10-12. In celebration of NALA’s 50th anniversary, the theme is Golden Legacy, Radiant Future. Join us as we look back with pride and move forward with purpose.

You can earn up to 12.5 CLE hours during the conference, including substantive and legal ethics credits. There will also be incredible networking opportunities, important meetings, wonderful vendors, and fun events.

Read More + Register
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
Welcome Members
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Welcome Members
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Are You Looking For A New Paralegal Position?

Are you aware that the IPA's website lists Employment Opportunities? Employers throughout the state post job listings on our website. New listings are added almost daily. If you are looking for a job, this is the first place you should look!

Is Your Firm Looking To Hire A Paralegal?

If your employer is seeking to hire a paralegal, please remind your HR department that listings can be placed on the IPA's website.  There is no fee to place a listing.

Find Your Next Job Here

How To Post A Paralegal Position