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HomeThe Lookout February 2024
The Lookout

February 2024

IPA's 41st Annual Educators Conference

The IPA is going to be hosting its 41st Annual Educators Conference, which is always one of my favorite events of the year. This event brings together program directors and teachers from schools across the state of Illinois with the IPA's Board of Directors and Chairpersons.

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        Melissa Jurik        

2024 Annual Meeting and Elections

Would you like to serve as an IPA Board Member and shape the future of the IPA?

IPA's Annual Meeeting and Elections is held each year in April.  Serving on the IPA's Board of Directors provides real opportunities to lead, represent the interests and concerns of paralegals, and help shape our profession. The Board of Directors also works tirelessly to put together quality CLE programs, networking events, workshops, and professional development trainings.

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Annual Meeting and Elections

Spring Education Conference Beginning April 8th

IPA's Spring Education Conference will be held virtually on IPA Connect over the course of one week, April 8th - April 12th, daily at 11:00 am and 1:00 pm. This year, our speakers will cover topics in Litigation, Corporate, and Technology, with many of our sessions focusing on Artificial Intelligence in the Legal Field. This is your opportunity to earn 10 hours of CLE credit.

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Register Today for the Spring Education Conference 

Tips from the Trenches Lunch

Join us on your lunch hour the 4th Wednesday of each month for Tips from the Trenches where an IPA Board member or Chairperson will discuss a tip or tool that they have learned over the years that has made their job easier

This month's speaker is Gordon Ferguson, who will be taking a break from software topics and focusing on working with Chambers:
  • How to contact them and communicate professionally;
  • Reading and following standing orders; and
  • Advancing your cases through a judge’s docket.
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Register Today! 

Career Corner

One of IPA's purposes is to advance the paralegal profession.  In so doing, we will be featuring articles on Career Development in this section of The Lookout.

Do you have any articles that you would like to share with everyone? Send an email to and we will add to our next issue of The Lookout.

New Cook County GAO RE: Judge Selection for Trial

If you have worked in Law Division in Cook County, you are likely familiar with getting a "List of 5" which is a list of 5 judges that both parties agree so you aren't at the mercy of random selection. Prior to this order, attorneys would reach out to the judges and check with them directly on their availability. As of February 8, 2024, all requests are to go through the personnel in Room 2005. Make sure to share the newly issued GAO with your firms and let them know of the change.

Click Here to download

        Melissa Jurik        

Important Notices and Useful Information

Do you have any other updates to share with everyone? Send an email to and we will add to our next issue of The Lookout.
Important Updates and Useful Information

Free CLE Opportunity from Sister Association Missouri Paralegal Association

Missouri Paralegal Association (MPA) and Illinois Paralegal Association have a mutual agreement as sister associations, allowing each others members to attend selected CLE events for FREE each year.  The next opportunity is February 22nd at 12:00 pm when MPA will be presenting a FREE lunch and learn "Effective Use of AI in Depositions - Demystifying AI" via Zoom.

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MPA February 22, 2024 event

Non-IPA CLE Opportunities

CLE opportunities listed are provided for informational purposes only.  Contact the provider to dertermine if the seminar is suited to your skill level and for its applicability.

Sustaining and Educational Institution members of IPA can list their upcoming CLE opportunities in The Lookout by emailing the information to
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Are You Looking For A New Paralegal Position?

Are you aware that the IPA's website lists Employment Opportunities? Employers throughout the state post job listings on our website. New listings are added almost daily. If you are looking for a job, this is the first place you should look!

Is Your Firm Looking To Hire A Paralegal?

If your employer is seeking to hire a paralegal, please remind your HR department that listings can be placed on the IPA's website.  There is no fee to place a listing.

Find Your Next Job Here

How To Post A Paralegal Position